
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Poker Recruitment

Ahhh its about that time to fill the table up with some new faces....Where the heck can I find some new players for the game?

Gotta go hit other poker games, network, maybe meet some new players in AC that are from MD...but that requires me to play, which I really can't right now and need to stack bread. Need to take a break and wait for things in my life to fall in place a little bit so I won't be as stressed out. I've learned before, its not a good idea to play when things are really bothering you, when losing money can actually effect your game play, your whole way of thinking, and worse of all, makes you play worse than you are already playing, so its best to stay away from throwing chips around right now.

Well, I found a site called www.homepokergames.com where I have actually listed my games for others to see...If you scroll to the bottom you can see a million email addresses of other poker players looking for games...sounds a little sketchy? Kinda...but I just won't let anyone in my games...Tonight should've been the Donkey Coral Wednesday $1-$2 NL game, but seems like alot of the regulars can't play tonight...Eh, perfect time to hold a meet and greet for some of these perspective new players. Well I emailed each and every one of those email address, except the ones I recognized of course, and got a good bit of replies saying they were indeed interested in the game, so tonight Noelle and I are headed to Union Jacks of Bethesda to have some drinks and meet up with some of these new players, hope this works out well!


Anonymous said...

E, I used to use that Poker site to find my games. That's how I found Bumper who then told me about MD-Poker. You're right...its an inflated website because they never clean it up...but it was a good idea to cull some email addys. Nice work.

Ehonda said...

I'm trying to feed you guys more fish!