
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another stgrong Monday

Monday ran real strong this past game...Game broke at 2pm Tuesday afternoon...full table pretty late again.

I usually have to leave at 7 so I can make it home and wait for Cheyenne to be dropped off so I can take her to school, after that, I go straight back to the game and jump in...

Ship it.....Ship it....Ship it.....God damn, im already in for Nickel and it hasn't been 30 minutes LOL

Take a small break to shake it off and get back in the game again...ran that up a lil bit. Played my QQ real weak against Trav...Doubled up a couple hands...Jay stopped by in the morning to run his stack up to a lil over $800....he shipped it as fast as he raked it in...

Wow I played bad this past Monday...Just got lucky to hold on to my chips after closing the gap up a lil bit...

1 comment:

SoveriegnOne said...

Damn, could you have atleast mentioned that I shipped it when I flopped a 10's full of 7's, thought I was trapping, and Gamblin turned quads on me?